Cannot integrate/process more than one piece of information
I get confused when there are dishes piled up in the sink.Splitting dish washing into two times: before meals (during cooking) and after meals
I cannot remember where all the tools I need for cooking are.The task of searching is tiring and interferes with cooking. So I make sure that I have all the necessary tools in sight before I begin to cook.
If I put in groceries at random places, I cannot tell what is where.Deciding where to put different kinds of food, reducing the amount of stored food, and placing things in a way that makes it easy for me to see inside
It takes time for me to see Chinese characters for miso (bean paste) and recognize that they stand for miso.
I become unable to tell what documents in front of me are.Classifying and storing documents in colored files using color-coding, such as pink for school-related, green for personal appointments, etc.
I have to be constantly mindful of transfers, etc. so that I do not make mistakes on my way to work.Asking others for help when I become confused about the route, etc.
Traveling to a new place now requires careful planning in advance.Saving map application search results as images and checking them with my location while traveling. Setting timers for planned transfers and getting-offs.
If I do something else while on the train, I cannot get off at the station where I should.I used to read books and look at my smart phone, but now I do nothing while I am on board.
I sometimes think I have read an email and close it without actually finishing it.When closing an email, scrolling it down to the bottom signature to make sure that I have read it all the way.
It is difficult to communicate only over the phone. I cannot remember what I am expected to do.I ask to send me what has been discussed over the phone separately via e-mail. This way I can ask questions if needed.
When talking with someone, it is difficult for me to maintain my concentration and understand the conversation if the conversation gets long or topics change.
I find it difficult to keep up with the content and structure of television programs and find them annoying.I do not watch the television as much as I used to. I watch mostly non-serial programs briefly.
It is difficult to understand lectures and take notes in class.I write down only what I find striking. Although I might be a let-down as a student, I am trying to learn as much as I can by attending classes.
I cannot tell the difference among a, e, and o in the English alphabet, and the letters appear to be connected.I sometimes change the font to one that is easier to read before I work on a text. I use the Internet for news, etc., rather than newspapers.
It is difficult for me to grasp a lot of information from a bird's eye view and then summarize its main points.
I do not recognize "仏" as one Chinese character and read it as "イ" and "ム" (two Japanese katakana alphabets)
Ideas for sentences come up, but I cannot organize them in my mind and put them into structured sentences.
Read the surname "Ito" as "Ifuji"
There are many things I cannot do without being taught because I do not understand complex information.In return for being taught, I will actively do things that I can do (for example, changing garbage bags for shredders, faxing and distributing mail).
I become confused about work processes.Making notes of information in the manual in a way that I can remember and referring to them. OneNote is easy to use in the workplace.
My work speed has dropped to about one third.Pacing myself by prioritizing steady progress, rather than aiming at achieving the same speed as before
I can no longer tell whether I have properly completed the tasks that need to be done for the day.As soon as I receive a task, I write it on a sticky note and post it at the power button of my computer. I make sure that I have finished it before I leave.