

vol. 6






神谷 直輝 , 竹林 洋一 , 吉沢 拓実 , 石川 翔吾 , 上野 秀樹 , 小林 美亜 , 前田 実 , 西山 千秋 , 村上 佑順 , 桐山 伸也





小俣 敦士 , 竹林 洋一 , 石川 翔吾 , 松井 佑樹 , 原 寿夫 , 宗形 初枝 , 中野目 あゆみ , 坂根 裕 , 本田 美和子 , 桐山 伸也

筆者らは,マルチモーダルケア技法のユマニチュード®️に着目し,認知症ケアスキルの情報学的評価と,Minskyの多重思考モデルを用いた認知症ケア知のモデル設計を進めてきた. 本稿では認知症ケア協調学習環境における指導行為に着目し,指導者の指導知識を多重思考モデルを用いて表出化した結果について述べる.




木村 篤信 , 林 瑞恵 , 赤坂 文弥 , 渡辺 浩志 , 井原 雅行





寺面 美香 , 石川 翔吾 , 桐山 伸也 , 加藤 忠相 , 井出 猛 , 竹林 洋一

本稿では認知症のある人の個性表現を基にした自立を重視した生活環境デザインの評価について述べる. 筆者らは生活支援を評価する環境を構築するため,認知症のある人の自立支援において先駆的な取り組みを実施している介護施設の記録を分析し,個性表現モデルの構造を設計した.設計を基に作成した個性表現ツリーによって,生活データの繋がりが見て取れ,施設ごとの記録の比較や分析が可能となった。これにより施設の実績を客観的に評価することが可能となり,ツリーを導入した学習は介護スタッフの自立支援に対する意識改革に有効であることが示唆された。




間辺 利江 , 山本 孝之 , 赤津 裕康 , 水上 勝義 , 松岡 珠実 , 小川 倫弘 , 兼坂 岳志 , 谷口 知恵 , 山本 左近 , 橋詰 良夫 , 大原 弘隆


愛知県豊橋市の病院に,2012年1月~2016年12月に入院,死亡退院し,剖検により臨床神経病理学的に認知症と確定診断された患者を対象に後ろ向き観察研究を行った.基本属性,入院時臨床症状,入院前一年間のBPSD・老年症候群等を収集,対象患者を入院時持参の薬剤数で二群間に分け(≥5剤/多剤併用vs. ≤4剤/非多剤併用)比較した.多剤併用及び慎重に投与すべき薬剤の生命予後期間への影響をKaplan-Meier法及びCox回帰分析にて推定した.薬効分類は薬価基準収載医薬品コードに,慎重に投与すべき薬剤は「高齢者の安全な薬物療法ガイドライン2015(日本老年医学会編集)」に従った.




認知症高齢者グループホームにおける「その人らしさを尊重したケア」 の実態と影響要因


中川 孝子 , 藤田 あけみ , 西沢 義子

本研究の目的は,「認知症高齢者のその人らしさを尊重したケア」に関する認識と実践の実態とその影響要因を明 らかにすることである.全国329か所のグループホームのうち研究同意の得られた32施設のケア提供者250名を対象に先 行研究で得られたその人らしさを尊重したケアを示す14項目についての認識と実施に関する質問紙調査を行った.その結果,「その人らしさを尊重したケア」14項目とも十分認識されていたが,実施は有意に低かった.「その人らしさを尊重したケア」14項目に影響する要因は,僅かではあるが,認知症ケア経験年数が14項目中4 項目に影響し,研修回数が 1 項目に影響していた


BPSD 関連項目に該当する要支援高齢者の介護度悪化 に関わる要因の検討


丸田 道雄, 田中 隆行, 佐賀里 昭, 宮田 浩紀, 堀田 牧, 吉満 考二, 韓 侊熙, 高橋 弘樹, 川越 雅弘

本研究の目的は,認知症の行動・心理症状(BPSD)を有する要支援者の要介護状態への移行予防についての示唆を得ることである.A 市の2014 年度と2016 年度の介護保険認定調査データより,心身機能や日常生活動作(ADL),手段的日常生活動作(IADL)の観点からBPSD 関連項目に該当する要支援高齢者が要介護状態へ悪化する要因についてロジスティック回帰分析を用いて検討した.その結果,介護度の悪化には,「薬の内服」,「日常の意思決定」,「金銭の管理」が,維持・改善には,「歩行」が有意に関連していた.つまり,BPSD 関連項目に該当する要支援高齢者に対しては,介護度の悪化を予防するために,早期よりIADL の低下予防に介入し自立を支援することや日常生活場面での意思決定を支援することが重要であり,また,歩行能力の向上を図ることは,介護度の維持・改善へつながることが示唆された.


成年後見人による住環境支援 単身認知症高齢者の「生活空間の形成」と「福祉問題の解決」


税所 真也, 山城 一平, アントニ, 西 定春

超高齢社会の到来により,高齢者がどこに住まうか/どのようにして住み慣れた地域に住まい続けるか,という高齢者の 居場所をめぐる課題・問題が顕在化している。本研究では,認知症等により,判断能力が不十分となった高齢者の居場所について,成年後見人による支援事例を通して検討する。これにより,後見人による居住環境支援のあり方,および後見 人の居住環境支援の機能について明らかにする。そして(任意後見制度を含む)成年後見制度を用いた,超高齢社会での 高齢者の住まい方について,自宅や地域で最期まで暮らし続けることを目指す"Aging in Place"の観点から考察する。




白山 靖彦, 湯浅 雅志, 樫森 節子, 北村 美渚, 後藤 崇晴, 寺西 彩, 柳沢 志津子, 竹内 祐子, 市川 哲雄, 臼谷 佐和子







Palliative Care Research

安藤 千晶(東北大学 大学院医学系研究科保健学専攻老年・在宅医看護学分野), 菅野 雄介, 鈴木 晶子, 高橋 文代, 小川 朝生





齋藤 嘉宏, 鳩野 洋子





Designing for playfulness through compassion: design for advanced dementia

Design for Health

Cathy Treadaway, Jac Fennell, Aidan Taylor & Gail Kenning

Those who have the greatest need for excellent design are often the most vulnerable in society. These people may find it difficult or impossible to articulate their design requirements due to physical, sensory or memory impairment as a result of accident or disease. Finding ways to understand the challenges they face moment-by-moment and day-by-day is vital. Empathic and compassionate approaches that place an individual central to the design process can inform outcomes that significantly benefit the user as well as those that care for them.

This paper presents research that aims to support the wellbeing of people living with advanced dementia by designing to promote pleasure and positive emotion. The LAUGH project is a recently completed international three-year UK AHRC funded design research project. Outputs from the study include a collection of playful objects, designed to provide comfort, pleasure and fun. This paper describes the research process underpinning the development of the designs and the Compassionate Design methodology that has informed the work.

The design narratives behind the playful objects will be explained in relation to the three key themes of Compassionate Design, which stress the importance of personalization, sensory stimulation and maintaining connections between people and the world.


Adolescents’ experiences and perceptions of dementia

Aging & Mental Health

Nicolas Farina, Laura J. Hughes, Alys W. Griffiths & Sahdia Parveen

There is a lack of understanding about how adolescents perceive dementia, and what their dementia related experiences are. Without such information, it is hard to make a case for the need to raise awareness of dementia in adolescents, and the best strategies to achieve this.

In a cohort of 901 adolescents (aged 13–18) from the South East of England, we explored what the experiences and perceptions of dementia were using a series of questionnaires. Descriptive data of individual items were reported, comparing differences between genders.

The adolescents within this study tended to have positive or neutral attitudes towards dementia, though there was evidence that a proportion of adolescents had misconceptions or held negative attitudes (e.g. 28.5% of adolescents disagreed with the statement ‘In general, I have positive attitudes about people with dementia’). We also identified that the adolescents had a range of experiences of dementia including providing some form of care for someone with dementia (23.2%), though most had indirect contact with dementia through TV and movies (77.3%), or adverts (80.2%). Females nearly always had better attitudes towards dementia and had significantly more contact with dementia.

Conclusions:M35 Considering that adolescents are already forming negative attitudes and misconceptions of dementia, it is important that we raise awareness about dementia in this age group.


The impact of relationship quality on life satisfaction and well-being in dementia caregiving dyads: findings from the IDEAL study

Aging & Mental Health

Isla Rippon, Catherine Quinn,Anthony Martyr, Robin Morris, Sharon M. Nelis,Ian Rees Jones,Christina R. Victor &Linda Clare

The quality of the relationship between people with dementia and their informal caregiver maybe an important determinant of life satisfaction and well-being for both members of the dyad. Taking a dyadic perspective, the aim of this study was to examine whether self- and partner-rated relationship quality influences life satisfaction and well-being for both people with dementia and their caregivers.

Design and methods:
Using data from 1283 dyads in the Improving the Experience of Dementia and Enhancing Active Life (IDEAL) cohort, we examined the impact of current relationship quality on life satisfaction and well-being in dementia caregiving dyads. Data were analysed using the Actor–Partner Interdependence Model (APIM) framework.

Self-rated relationship quality was associated with own life satisfaction and well-being for both people with dementia and caregivers. Partner-rated relationship quality did not influence own life satisfaction or well-being for either member of the dyad.

This study is the first to use the APIM framework to explore the dyadic associations between relationship quality and life satisfaction and well-being in a large cohort of dementia caregiving dyads. The obtained findings suggest that the individual perception of the quality of the caregiving relationship held by each member of the caregiving dyad is an important factor for that member’s life satisfaction and well-being, while the partner’s perception of relationship quality is not. The findings highlight the importance of considering the individual perspective of both the person with dementia and the caregiver and enabling each to maintain positive perceptions of relationship quality.


Factors influencing the transition experience of carers for persons with dementia, when the person with dementia moves into residential care: systematic review and meta-synthesis

Aging & Mental Health

Beth Pritty,Danielle De Boos &Nima Moghaddam

To understand factors influencing the experience of carers for people with dementia, when that person moves from living in the community to living in residential care. Specifically, we aimed to identify facilitators and inhibitors of M38carer adjustment during this transition.

Method: A systematic search of CINAHL, EMBASE, PubMed, and PsycINFO databases was conducted. Nine qualitative articles published between 2001 and 2017, based on the experiences of 141 carers, were included. Thematic analysis was applied to the data, with the concepts of transition inhibitors and facilitators being used to structure the analytic process.

Results: Analysis produced five themes, representing factors that could affect carer experiences of the focal transition-process: modifying the difficulty of this process according to their presence or absence. The themes were (1) Connection, pertaining to the carer feeling connected to the person with dementia and professionals during this transition; (2) Informed & Informing, relating to exchange of information between the carer and facility staff or health professionals; (3) The facility: welcoming & skilful, dealing with carer perceptions of the facility and their confidence in the staff; (4) It’s What You Make of It, discussing the meaning the carer made of the admission and the impact this had; and (5) Sharing Responsibility, addressing how carers were affected by the perceived sharing of responsibility for care-provision.

Conclusions: A supportive network has a significant role to play in facilitating this transition for carers. However, further research into what carers would find useful during this time is needed.


Quality of life of family carers of persons with young-onset compared to late-onset dementia

Aging & Mental Health

Lara Hvidsten,Knut Engedal,Geir Selbaek,Torgeir Bruun Wyller,Jūratė Šaltytė Benth,Frøydis Bruvik &Hege Kersten

To compare quality of life (QOL) of family carers of persons with young- (YOD) to late-onset dementia (LOD).

This was a cross-sectional comparison of 88 carers of persons with YOD and 100 carers of persons with LOD. The Quality of Life – Alzheimer’s Disease questionnaire (QOL–AD) was used to measure QOL of both carers and persons with dementia. Depressive symptoms were measured by the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS) for carers and the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia for persons with dementia. Care burden was measured by the Relatives’ Stress Scale. Activities of Daily Living (ADL) of the persons with dementia were assessed using the total score from the Lawton & Brody Instrumental-ADL scale and the Physical Self-Maintenance Scale. Multiple linear regression models with interactions between covariates and group (YOD versus LOD) were estimated.

The QOL–AD scores of YOD-carers were significantly poorer compared to LOD-carers (mean difference 2.5 (95% CI 0.7; 4.3), p = 0.006). Poorer QOL of carers was associated with more depressive symptoms (mean QOL-AD change −0.5 (−0.6; −0.3), p < 0.001), but with no difference between the two groups. In contrast to LOD, QOL of carers of people with YOD was also significantly associated with symptom duration (p = 0.002), depressive symptoms of the persons with dementia (p = 0.030), ADL (p = 0.001), and carer burden (p = 0.002).

YOD-carers reported significantly poorer QOL compared to LOD-carers. QOL was significantly associated with depressive symptoms in carers of both groups.


Depression of persons with dementia and family caregiver burden: Finding positives in caregiving as a moderator

Geriatrics & Gerontology International

Yang Fan, Ran Maosheng, Luo Wei

The present study examined the association between depression of persons with dementia and family caregiver burden, as well as whether the association depended on the level of caregivers’ ability to find positives in caregiving.

Based on the medical records of local mental health hospital and the statistics of an epidemiological survey, this cross-sectional study included 157 major family caregivers of non-institutionalized dementia patients in the rural sector of Western China’s Sichuan Province. They responded to the Cornell Scale for Depression in Dementia (CSDD), a short version of Zarit Burden Interview (ZBI), a sub-scale of a caregiver meaning scale, and demographic questions.

Controlling for the demographic variables of the caregivers, this study found that dementia patients’ depression level was significantly associated with caregiver burden (p < .001), and the caregivers’ levels of finding positives in caregiving significantly moderated the association (p< .05). Moreover, the positive correlation between dementia patients’ depression and caregiver burden was weaker among the family caregivers with high level of finding positives in caregiving, compared with those with low level of finding positives in caregiving.

This research suggests the importance of facilitating family caregivers of dementia patients to find positives in caregiving. It provides initial data for the development of dementia caregiver burden interventions that are based on the understanding of the deep meaning of dementia caregiving.


Cognitive behavioural therapy can be effective in treating anxiety and depression in persons with dementia: a systematic review


Tay Kok-Wai, Subramaniam Ponnusamy, Oei Tian P.

Dementia is a neurocognitive disorder that affects a person's abilities in daily functioning. Anxiety and depression symptoms are common among persons with dementia. Cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) has been tested to manage their depression and anxiety symptoms. However, the purpose of CBT in managing these symptoms is unclear. Therefore, this paper aims to clarify whether CBT can be used to reduce depression and anxiety symptoms in persons with dementia. The electronic databases PubMed, PsycINFO, MEDLINE, and CINAHL were used to locate relevant studies. Eleven studies, which involved a total of 116 older adults, were identified. The findings suggest that CBT can be effective in reducing depression and anxiety symptoms. Based on our current review, the findings from previous studies form a promising foundation on which to conduct a major randomized controlled trial with a larger sample size. This review discusses some of the most important considerations in applying CBT to persons with dementia, and these may be beneficial for future studies that explore this area and seek more conclusive evidence on the use of CBT.


Effects of attachment to and participation in the community on motivation to participate in dementia prevention and support activities: analysis of Web survey data


Takao Makiko, Maki Yohko

The objective of this study was to elucidate the effects of a sense of attachment to the community (attachment) and participation in community activities (participation) on motivation to participate in dementia prevention and support activities (motivation).

We conducted a nationwide Web‐based questionnaire survey of 1693 men and women aged ≥20 years. The questionnaire items used in the analysis asked about the following: (i) demographic characteristics (i.e. gender, age, marital status, household income (monitor‐registered data), elderly family members, number of years of residency); (ii) attachment; (iii) participation; (iv) self‐assessment of dementia knowledge; (v) nursing care experience; (vi) contact with individuals with dementia; (vii) attitudes towards dementia and people with dementia; and (viii) motivation.

Positivity towards dementia and negativity towards dementia were extracted as factors in exploratory factor analysis of attitudes towards dementia and people with dementia. Multiple regression analysis with extracted factors as dependent variables showed that attachment and participation exerted positive effects on attitudes towards dementia (both P < 0.001). The direct effects of attachment and participation on motivation were significant in hierarchical multiple regression analysis (both P < 0.001), and path analysis demonstrated the paths of the effects of attachment and participation on motivation (both P < 0.001). The bias‐corrected bootstrap method showed that both attachment and participation exerted direct and indirect (via the mediation of attitudes towards dementia) effects on motivation to participate in the community (all P < 0.001).

The results showed that attachment and participation were both determinants of positive attitudes towards dementia and, thus, exerted effects on motivation, both directly and indirectly. These findings suggested that the enhancement of attachment and promotion of participation could lead to the promotion of dementia prevention and support activities in communities and increase dementia awareness.


Effects of an animal-assisted intervention on social behaviour, emotions, and behavioural and psychological symptoms in nursing home residents with dementia


Wesenberg Sandra, Mueller Christoph, Nestmann Frank, Holthoff-Detto Vjera

The positive effects of animal‐assisted interventions (AAIs) in people with dementia have been frequently reported in the literature. However, it remains unclear if the positive effects are directly due to the presence of the animal. The aim of this study was to investigate if the inclusion of an animal adds value to psychosocial interventions for people with dementia.

The study followed a within‐subject design with two studied conditions (AAI and control intervention) and several measurement points (baseline (i.e. at beginning of the intervention), after 3 months, and after 6 months). Nineteen nursing home residents with dementia participated in the AAI (with a dog) and the control intervention. Both interventions were delivered as weekly group sessions over a period of 6 months. Outcomes examined were social interaction, emotional expression, and behavioural and psychological symptoms. These outcomes were evaluated by using video recordings at baseline and after 3 and 6 months.

Nineteen patients with moderate to moderately severe dementia who lived in two nursing homes in Germany were included. During the AAI, we detected significantly longer and more frequent periods of positive emotions (pleasure) and social interaction (e.g. touch, body movements) than during the control intervention.

The presence of a dog appears to have beneficial effects on psychosocial intervention for people with dementia.
