Cannot retain/recall your plans and schedule
I get confused when there are dishes piled up in the sink.Splitting dish washing into two times: before meals (during cooking) and after meals
I cannot come up with menus for several days
There have been times when I almost forgot about appointments where I invited someone myself.Narrowing down the circle of friends and making appointments only with a limited number of friends
I sometimes forget about appointments.Keeping my schedule on my cell phone and using sticky notes because a paper calendar alone is not enough
Having difficulty remembering my schedule, I use a notebook and a calendar to check dates, make doctor appointments, etc.I write down what I need to do on the blackboard in my room and erase it when I am done so that it is easy for me to understand.
I cannot remember garbage pick-up days that are not weekly but occasional, such as once a month.She is asking her daughter to take out the trash.
I cannot remember what I thought I would have to do the day before.
I cannot remember my schedule.
While shopping, I cannot remember what I have come to buy.Taking a note of what I need beforehand on my smart phone and transcribing it onto a small piece of paper to take with me (to avoid operating my smart phone while shopping)
I come back home to realize that I have forgotten to buy something I was supposed to buy.Take a written note of what I need to buy.
I cannot remember whether or not I have taken my medications.Marking tablets with the days of the week from month to day and putting "○" on Saturdays and Sundays to indicate that a week has passed
I have to be constantly mindful of transfers, etc. so that I do not make mistakes on my way to work.Asking others for help when I become confused about the route, etc.
I forget to get off the train at the station where I should get off. I take the train heading to the opposite direction to get back to the destination station.
It is difficult to communicate only over the phone. I cannot remember what I am expected to do.I ask to send me what has been discussed over the phone separately via e-mail. This way I can ask questions if needed.