Akio Murayama


67 years old (As of July 2019 interview)



Year of birth:


Place of residence:

Machida City, Tokyo

Relatives living together:

Lives with wife


Former sales representative for automatic calculation equipment for golf courses

Age of onset:

About 58 years old

Age of diagnosis:

58 years old


Alzheimer type

Level of care needed?(Explanation of the level of care needed) Under Japan's long-term care insurance system, the level of care needed is assessed on the basis of physical and mental functions of the insured applicant. Those 'requiring help (levels 1 and 2)' need some form of social help, and those 'requiring long-term care (levels 1 through 5)' need long-term care, ranging from partial (level 1) to extensive (level 5) care.<:

Requiring long-term care level 3 (As of July 2019)

Using long-term care insurance:

Using day service (5 times per week)

Past experiences



Diagnosed with dementia
Told at the company, "You cannot continue any longer."
Did not care much about the diagnosis of dementia myself

2010年(Before 60)

Retired from the company


Started to visit a large day service facility (with the bath)


Started to visit BLG. I have been here for a long time, and everybody is laughing together. I very much enjoy being with my friends.

Joy in life and living


Joy that remains with you even after onset

Traveling with family


Joy that remains with you even after onset

Walking with my own legs (because I can enjoy delicious beer later)


Joy that remains with you even after onset

Joking and laughing together with friends at the day service

Something you would like to do in the future

Overseas trips. I want to visit Italy and France again.

Challenges in daily living

Physical and mental dysfunctions

Message to the society

I hope people in the local area will become happy.