Satsuki Ito


88 years old (As of July 2019 interview)



Year of birth:


Place of residence:

Machida City, Tokyo

Relatives living together:

Lives with one son


Former self-defense officer/former Yogo teacher (nursing teacher)/former nurse

Age of onset:

About 83 years old

Age of diagnosis:

84 years old


Alzheimer type

Dementia rating scale?Mini-Mental State Examination(MMSE)
The most widely used screening test internationally for identifying dementia, in which questions are asked directly to subjects. The MMSE assesses cognitive functions with a series of questions/tasks related to orientation, memory, attention and calculation, language, giving commands and copying a picture. The test yields the highest score of 30 points, and, in general, those who score 23 points or lower are identified as suspected patients with dementia.Revised Hasegawa's Dementia Scale (HDS-R)
A screening test widely used in Japan for identifying dementia, in which questions are asked directly to subjects. It has 9 questions/tasks related to age, orientation, immediate memory and delayed recall of 3 words, calculation, backward digit span, memory of 5 objects and language fluency. The test yields the highest score of 30 points, and, in general, those who score 20 points or lower are identified as suspected patients with dementia.

MMSE 20About

Level of care needed?(Explanation of the level of care needed) Under Japan's long-term care insurance system, the level of care needed is assessed on the basis of physical and mental functions of the insured applicant. Those 'requiring help (levels 1 and 2)' need some form of social help, and those 'requiring long-term care (levels 1 through 5)' need long-term care, ranging from partial (level 1) to extensive (level 5) care.<:

Requiring long-term care level 2 (As of March 2018)

Using long-term care insurance:

Using day service (twice per week)

Past experiences


Retired as a nursing teacher; started working as a nurse
Living with the eldest son, often enjoyed taking walks


Experienced hospitalization due to subarachnoid hemorrhage
Lost the husband around the same time


Hospitalized due to cerebral infarction
Around this time, symptoms of dementia, such as forgetfulness, began to appear



Diagnosed with dementia


Performed tasks with hands at an elderly care facility
A landlord of a day care facility, who I met at the elderly care facility, recommended day care


Although I do not remember if I am diagnosed with dementia, I am thinking that something is not normal about myself.

Joy in life and living


Joy that remains with you even after onset

Doing shigin (reciting Chinese poems) with friends


Joy that remains with you even after onset

Going to a cafe in the neighborhood

Something you would like to do in the future

When I was a nursing teacher, many delinquent students often hang out in the infirmary where I was. I listened to them and let them take naps. I would still like to talk to kids.

Challenges in daily living

Physical and mental dysfunctions

Message to the society

I love everyone, and I love people. When I feel uncomfortable, I will speak with the person. I like BLG because people here look at what is going on inside me, not just what is on the surface.