There have been times when I almost forgot about appointments where I invited someone myself.Narrowing down the circle of friends and making appointments only with a limited number of friends
I sometimes forget about appointments.Keeping my schedule on my cell phone and using sticky notes because a paper calendar alone is not enough
Having difficulty remembering my schedule, I use a notebook and a calendar to check dates, make doctor appointments, etc.I write down what I need to do on the blackboard in my room and erase it when I am done so that it is easy for me to understand.
I cannot remember garbage pick-up days that are not weekly but occasional, such as once a month.She is asking her daughter to take out the trash.
I cannot locate dates in my scheduler notebook. I get confused when dates across different weeks are on the same line.
I cannot tell what day of the week it is today. I need to think whether it is the beginning or the end of the week.
I forget what I thought I was about to do.
It is difficult for me to go out at night because I am tired and prone to various symptoms.I try not to go out at night often.
I cannot remember my schedule.