writing letters, words and sentences
It is difficult to understand lectures and take notes in class.I write down only what I find striking. Although I might be a let-down as a student, I am trying to learn as much as I can by attending classes.
I cannot tell the difference among a, e, and o in the English alphabet, and the letters appear to be connected.I sometimes change the font to one that is easier to read before I work on a text. I use the Internet for news, etc., rather than newspapers.
I have difficulty writing my address, especially numbers.
It is difficult for me to write my name on the contract form required in the gas usage application process.
I have difficulty filling out paperwork at the bank counter. I cannot write but need to fill it out at the counter. My family member hold my hand and sign documents for me.
I cannot write letters. It is difficult to hold the pen. It is also difficult to find where to place the pen and to figure out how to move it.
I was not able to write letters well on New Year's cards, and a friend who saw the letters told me that I should go to the hospital.
I cannot do my writing work without focusing solely on the task.
My handwriting in the diary gets worse every year.
It is difficult for me to grasp a lot of information from a bird's eye view and then summarize its main points.
Ideas for sentences come up, but I cannot organize them in my mind and put them into structured sentences.
When writing my home address at the municipal office, I wrote a wrong number
Although I sometimes can write just fine, when I write letters, I could have trouble balancing characters and stop writing