
85 years old (As of December 2019 interview)

Year of birth:


Place of residence:

Urayasu City, Chiba Prefecture

Relatives living together:

Single room (serviced residence for the elderly)


Former advertising company employee

Age of diagnosis:

82 years old

Using long-term care insurance:

Uses day services (half day) twice a week
Bathing 3 times a week; cleaning and linen change once a week
Uses visiting nursing care once a week

Past experiences


I retired from work and enjoyed traveling abroad, etc.


I moved to a serviced residence for the elderly. I can fit into any place I go. I fit right in here as well and live here.

Joy in life and living


Joy that remains with you even after onset

Rakugo (I founded a rakugo club that had not existed before when I was a sophomore at a private university.)


Joy that remains with you even after onset

That sponsors I had spotted in my work bought TV slots


Joy that remains with you even after onset

Listening to Jazz

Something you would like to do in the future

Nothing. There is no point in thinking about it. There is no way I could wish to die without getting any diseases.

Challenges in daily living

Physical and mental dysfunctions

Message to the society

Not being attached is my attachment. The world will be what it will be and only what it will be. I do not get caught up in small things. Struggling would not help.