Takashi Akino

Takashi Akino


76 years old (As of July 2019 interview)

Year of birth:


Place of residence:

Machida City, Tokyo

Relatives living together:

Lives with wife


Former bank branch director / former policy finance institution employee
Formerly worked for an agency (3 times a week)

Age of onset:

About 70 years old


Alzheimer type

Using long-term care insurance:

Uses day services 4 times a week

Past experiences


After retiring from a company where I worked for many years, I received an offer from an affiliated company and retired from the it as my last company after completing my time there.
There was a sense of relief that I could finally live a slow and settled life.


My wife became concerned that I was not participating in family conversations, falling asleep during family gatherings and lacking in high spirits and energy
My wife and daughter thought there might be an issue and looked for where to consult for 4-5 months.



After receiving the result of a brain check-up at a hospital, I was referred to another hospital, diagnosed as having a pre-dementia condition, and started taking medication.
I began to participate in long-term care prevention classes and exercise programs held by the comprehensive support center 4 days a week.


In case something were to happen to herself, my wife consulted the comprehensive and applied for long-term care insurance in November.


My wife and I went to visit a day service that was referred to us by my doctor. We liked the place, and I started to go there.

Joy in life and living


Joy that remains with you even after onset

Seeing something I conceived of become reality


Joy that remains with you even after onset

Receiving compensation for work done (paid volunteer work)


Joy that remains with you even after onset

Eating delicious food


Joy that remains with you even after onset



Joy that remains with you even after onset

Moving my body with exercise twice a week

Something you would like to do in the future

I do not have any complaints about my current situation. I am feeling the goodness of the world right now.

Challenges in daily living

Physical and mental dysfunctions

Message to the society

I reflect on each day, and, if I feel good about it, that is good enough. If I feel bad, I will reflect on it and try to apply lessons to the next day. That is how I have lived my life.