Koji Miki

Koji Miki


84 years old (As of September 2019 interview)

Year of birth:


Place of residence:

Machida City, Tokyo

Relatives living together:

Lives with wife and daughter


Former Sales branch manager at a life insurance company

Age of onset:

About 75 years old



Using long-term care insurance:

Uses day services once a week

Frequency of gatherings with other people with dementia:

Family social gatherings 4 times a month, community reading group once a month, D-Cafe once a month, and community walking event once a year

Past experiences



I noticed that I was forgetful. There were cases where I could not remember the names of people I had met the previous day, etc., and I consulted a doctor by myself. I was referred to the psychiatry department of the city hospital and was hospitalized.


I had difficulty hearing and wore a hearing aid.


I had some signs of dementia, such as not being able to remember the names of classmates, and was diagnosed at a clinic specializing in dementia.

Joy in life and living


Joy that remains with you even after onset

Studying Japanese history


Joy that remains with you even after onset

Camera, taking photographs


Joy that remains with you even after onset

Continuation of friends' group

Something you would like to do in the future

Continuing both brain and muscle trainings. (I will attend the day service without a break.)
Looking at old photos, remembering and making a compilation of essays, reports, and haiku, and taking action to make good use of them today.

Challenges in daily living

Physical and mental dysfunctions

Message to the society

Keeping track of one's daily activities, diet, exercise, etc. in a journal and reflecting on one's behavior each day.
I think fulfilling actions and meals as well as going for exercises every day are important. We should take our medications as exactly prescribed.
When I get in my senior car and wave, children and adults alike wave back to me. Let us make a town where we greet each other.